Eureka Security- Cloud Data Security- hero visual

The first Cloud Data Security Posture Management solution

The Eureka Data Security Posture Management solution delivers broad visibility, policy and control management, as well as continuous monitoring and alerting with risk-prioritized remediations across all of your cloud data stores.
Eureka Security- Cloud Data Security- hero visual
Eureka Security- Cloud Data Security- hero visual

Gain Comprehensive Intelligence

Automatically and continuously identify all organizational cloud data stores, including classification, permissions, usage & configuration and changes
Eureka Security- Cloud Data Security- hero visual

Gain Effective Command

Capture and manage best practice policy sets, automatically evaluate controls against them, identify gaps and drive risk-prioritized remediations
Eureka Security- Cloud Data Security- hero visual

Measure and Communicate Success

Continuously assess and audit all data stores against security requirements and policies with operational and executive-level posture and compliance reporting

Agentless In-Depth Discovery

By simply connecting Eureka to organizational cloud accounts, Eureka automatically identifies all data stores present and understands the types of data in them. Eureka then evaluates the risk in each data store to provide quick and non-intrusive insight into your overall cloud data footprint and security posture.

Platform-Agnostic Policy and Control Management

Eureka eliminates the need for deep expertise across every cloud platform and lets you manage your global security and compliance policy set by choosing and customizing from a pre-built selection, or creating your own. Eureka then automatically translates and generates these policies into a set of platform-specific controls for all relevant data stores.

Security and Risk Management

Eureka continuously monitors for and alerts data store owners directly on policy violations and non-compliant configurations, evaluating the level of risk in each violation and recommending risk-prioritized remediations, actions and controls. Eureka then allows the security team to track overall posture and compliance improvement over time.

Close the cloud data security gap with Eureka

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